USCDA/WeShine WDC Committee and the hosting facility are not responsible for any kind of damage, loss or injury sustained by contestants or spectators or their property while filming their entry for the WeShine World Dance Competition. Dancers competing take certain inherent risks when involved in any physical activity and participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks.
Professional (20+ hours of dance per week)
Folkloric/Ethnic (including Chinese Classic Dance)
Open (i.e.: International Ballroom, Street/Hip-Hop, Musical Theater, etc.)
Duet/Trio (Duet and Trio will compete against each other)
Group Dance (4+ dancers)
Dance Production/Ensemble (15+ dancers)
Dance Production/Ensemble performances must convey a story, follow a theme, or have Broadway or Dance Drama qualities.
Solo/Duet/Trio: Maximum of 3 minutes
Group Dance: Maximum of 6 minutes
Dance Production: Maximum of 8 minutes
A one (1) point deduction will be made for every 30 seconds the dance exceeds the time limit. Deduction occurs from 1 second over the allowed time limit. Extended performance time is available (up to 1:00 minute) for a fee of $3.00 per performer for Groups and Production/Ensembles. Solos, Duets, and Trios are not permitted extended performance time.
Competitors are responsible for emailing .mp4 file format video entries or downloadable cloud file links of their video entry in HD to info@uschinadance.org.
Email subject and music file name must be in one of the following formats:
"WeShine_(performance name)_(dance studio name)"
"WeShine_(performance name)_independent"
Performance and Studio name MUST match with the registration form.
Video entries MUST be taken in a “one-take” format (Video editing is strictly forbidden, with the exception of brightness/color adjustments). Dances should be suitable for audiences of all ages. Any promotion of religious beliefs and/or political propaganda is strictly prohibited. Maximum of 2 solo routines per dancer may be submitted. Points may be deducted from acts that do not comply.
Submissions can be recordings from ANY conventions/competitions. You may also use videos from recitals, showcases or any other performances or rehearsals. Recreational and professional settings accepted.
Rising Star 8 years old or younger, born after 1/1/2012
Junior Star 9–11 years old, born between 1/1/2009 – 12/31/2011
Teen Star 12–14 years old, born between 1/1/2006 – 12/31/2008
Senior Star 15 – 17 years old, born between 1/1/2003– 12/31/2005
Limitless Youth Star 18 – 42 years, born between 1/1/1978 – 12/31/2002
Forever Young Star 43 years of age or older, born on or before 12/31/1977
Age Calculation: Calculate the dancer’s age as of December 31st, 2020. For routines with more than one dancer, age is determined by calculating the AVERAGE AGE. Average age is the sum of dancers’ age divided by number of dancers. Average age ending with a decimal should round to the next whole number (i.e.: 10.5 rounds to 11; 10.4 rounds to 10). All persons appearing on stage–whether dancing or not–must be included when averaging ages for an entry.
JUDGING AND SCORING CRITERIA(Maximum 100 points per judge)
Technique (flexibility, strength, control, extension, etc.): 30 Points
Stage Presence (facial expressions, personality/emotions, etc.): 30 Points
Execution of Performance (artistic value, rhythm/timing, precision, etc.): 30 Points
Overall Appearance (costume, hair, make-up, etc.): 10 Points
Adjudicated Awards: Platinum, Gold, Silver Award certificates presented to dancers based on individual scores.
Outstanding Choreographer Award: Certificate presented to the routine for outstanding original choreography (as indicated on the registration form).
Outstanding Studio Achievement Award: Certificate presented to the studio/school/academy/organization that has received the highest OVERALL COMBINED score in AMATEUR levels.
Judges Choice Award: Certificate presented to the Solo/Duet/Trio and Group/Production/Ensemble at each age level displaying outstanding qualities during their dance in both entry levels.
Certificates will be awarded in the form of an e-certificate and emailed to each studio and/or independent entry. Please contact us if you would like to receive a medal or trophy, additional fees may apply.